E4 The Doors

The Lyric Boys explore 10 wild & hilarious lyrics by The Doors, the classic 1960s rock band from Los Angeles. We delve deep into the mind of Jim Morrison, which is a mind that's either thinking about women and alcohol -- or thinking about some bloody drug-fueled nightmare. We also discover that Jim is both "Mr. Mojo Risin'" & "The Lizard King" and debate which nickname is cooler. And we discuss how The Doors song "The Soft Parade " is very similar to "The Monster Mash."

3 years ago

The Lyric Boys explore 10 wild & hilarious lyrics by The Doors, the classic 1960s rock band from Los Angeles. We delve deep into the mind of Jim Morrison, which is a mind that's either thinking about women and alcohol -- or thinking about some bloody drug-fueled nightmare. We also discover that Jim is both "Mr. Mojo Risin'" & "The Lizard King" and debate which nickname is cooler. And we discuss how The Doors song "The Soft Parade " is very similar to "The Monster Mash."

Songs discussed in this episode: "Road House Blues," "L.A. Woman," "The Soft Parade," "When The Music's Over," "The Crystal Ship," "Back Door Man," "Peace Frog," "Hello, I Love You," and "Not To Touch The Earth."

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Lucien Flores and Andrew Stieglitz